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MySQL Certification

Installing MySQL

Configuring MySQL

Understand Server Options, Variables, and the Command Line
Define Option Files
Use System Variables

User Management

Identify MySQL Privilege System
Create and Modify User Accounts
Configure Passwords and Account Expiration
Understand Authentication Plug-Ins
Grant Permissions
Reset a Forgotten Root Password

Maintaining a Stable System

Define Stability
Use Capacity Planning
Identify the Causes of Server Slowdowns
Describe InnoDB Recovery

Backup Strategies

MySQL Architecture

Understand How MySQL Processes Requests
Explain How MySQL Stores Data
Use Tablespaces
Identify Redo and Undo Logs
Define How MySQL Uses Memory

Monitoring MySQL

Monitor MySQL with Log Files
Monitor MySQL with Status Variables
Monitor MySQL with Performance Schema

MySQL Security

Identify Security Risks
Understand Network security
Use Password Security
Explain Operating System Security
Protect Against SQL Injections

Optimizing Query Performance

Configuring a Replication Topology

Replicate Conflicts
Explain Replication
Configure Replication
Use MySQL Utilities
Identify Replication Threads
Monitor Replication
Troubleshoot Replication

mysqlcertification.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/06 11:30 by