Table of Contents
Weblogic / Fusion Middleware Installation
Check with the following documents to make sure that the operating system, JDK, Weblogic and Fusion Middleware are all compatible.
Forms / Reports 11.1.1.x | Certification Matrix |
Forms / Reports 11.1.2.x | Certification Matrix |
Fusion Middleware 12.1.3 | Certification Matrix |
Fusion Middleware | Certification Matrix |
Main Webpage is :
Install JDK
Refer to the certification documents above to see which version should be installed.
For Weblogic 10.3.6 on Windows 2008 64 bit use the latest version of 1.7 64 bit. This is now only available with a MOS account
For Weblogic use the latest version of JDK 8
Install Weblogic 10.3.6
As this is a 64 bit installation use the Generic Installer.
java -jar wls1036_generic.jar
Install Weblogic Server
Weblogic now comes bundled with the Fusion Middleware installation.
java -jar fmw_12.
Repository Creation Utility
cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin ./rcu
Install Forms/Reports
Setup the Java environment variables
Useful Links
Oracle Installation Instructions
Rackspace Example Installation
Oracle Forms/Reports New Features
Configuration File Locations
select NAME, type, (total_mb) TOTAL_MB,(usable_file_mb) FREE_MB, (total_mb-usable_file_mb)*1024*1024 USED_SPACE, round(100-(usable_file_mb*100/total_mb),2) PCT_USED from v$asm_diskgroup where state in ('MOUNTED','CONNECTED')