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You can alter the default prompt and editor for SQL*Plus using the glogin.sql file.
This can be found at $ORACLE_HOME\sqlplus\admin

define _editor=vi
set sqlprompt "_USER'@'_CONNECT_IDENTIFIER> "

You can add here any other “set” command that you find yourself using continuously.

New Features

Command Description Version
SET FEEDBACK ONLY No data is returned, just the number of rows 12.2
SET MARKUP CSV ON Output in CSV format 12.2
SQLPLUS -F Change parameters to improve performance (includes pagesize, arraysize and statementcache12.2
SET LINESIZE WINDOW Dynamically alter output to fit size of window18
SET ROWLIMIT n Limit the number of rows displayed by the query18
sqlplus.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/06 11:30 by