====== GoldenGate ====== [[Work16thOct| Work for 16th October]]\\ {{:goldengate_database_initial_setup.docx|GoldenGate Database Initial Setup}}\\ {{:mail_online_goldengate_replication.docx|GoldenGate Uni-Directional Replication}}\\ {{:bidirectional_replication_goldengate.docx|GoldenGate Bi-Directional Replication}}\\ {{:goldengate:oracle_goldengate_and_rac_high_availability.docx|GoldenGate as a Clusterware Resource}}\\ {{:goldengate_overview_for_support.docx| Checking and Diagnosing GoldenGate}}\\ {{:removing_a_goldengate_installation.docx|Converting Bi-Directional to Uni-Directional}}\\ {{::oracle_goldengate_best_practices_-_bi_directional_replication.pdf| GoldenGate Best Practices - Bi-Directional}}\\ {{:goldengate:goldengate_ha_using_oracle_clusterware.pdf| GoldenGate High Availability with RAC}}\\ ===== Parameter Files ===== [[GlobalsPar|Globals]]\\ [[MgrPar|Manager]]\\ ==== 10g Database ==== [[Extract10g|Extract]]\\ [[DP10g|Data Pump]]\\ [[Replicat10g|Replicat]]\\ ==== 12c Database ==== [[Extract12c|Extract]]\\ [[DP12c|Data Pump]]\\ [[Replicat12c|Replicat]]\\ ===== Sequences ===== [[plsql_sequence|PL/SQL For the Sequences Solution]]\\ ===== Known Issues ===== [[error_messages|Error Messages and Resolution]]\\ ===== Exceptions ===== [[exceptions|Exceptions Setup]]\\ ===== Alerting Script ===== [[alert_script| Alert/Check Script for GoldenGate]]\\ ===== SQL ===== ==== Sequences Scheduled Job ==== set lines 120 col job_name format a20 col ACTUAL_START_DATE format a30 col run_duration format a30 select JOB_NAME, STATUS, to_char(ACTUAL_START_DATE,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI') start_date, RUN_DURATION from dba_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name = 'SYNC_SEQUENCES_JOB' order by 3; ==== Sequences Log Table ==== set lines 120 col sequence_name format a30 col sync_date format a40 select * from ggate.sync_sequences_log order by sync_date; ==== Sequences Odd/Even Check ==== set lines 120 col sequence_name format a30 select * from ggate.mol_gg_sequences order by owner; select owner, sequence_name, valueint, valuepoc, case when mod(ValueInt,2) = mod(ValuePOC,2) then 'ERROR' else 'ODD EVEN SUCCESS' end Validation from ggate.mol_gg_sequences order by owner, sequence_name; ==== Synchronise Sequences Between Databases ==== SET PAGESIZE 0 LINESIZE 120 FEEDBACK OFF spool /u07/goldengate/dirout/sequence_sync_output.sql SELECT 'set echo on timing on' from dual; SELECT 'conn ggate/ggate123' from dual; SELECT 'exec mol_sequences.mol_sequence_sync(''' || SEQUENCE_OWNER || ''',''' || SEQUENCE_NAME || ''',100);' FROM DBA_SEQUENCES WHERE SEQUENCE_OWNER in ('MAILONLINE','RDRCOMMENTS','REGISTRATION','LEGAL','FBIAGENT') AND SEQUENCE_NAME not in ('HIBERNATE_SEQUENCE','HEALTHCHECK_SEQ','TN_TEST_SEQ') ORDER BY 1; spool off ==== Checkpoint Table ==== alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'; set linesize 100 col group_name format a12 col scn format a16 select GROUP_NAME, LOG_CSN as SCN, SEQNO, RBA, LAST_UPDATE_TS from GGATE.CHKPTAB; ==== Exceptions Table ==== SET LINESIZE 160 COL TABLE_NAME FORMAT A40 COL RECCSN FORMAT 999999999999 select to_char(EXCP_DATE,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') EXCEPTION_DATE, REP_NAME, TABLE_NAME, RECCSN, LOGRBA, LOGPOSITION, SRCROWID SOURCE_ROWID, ERRMSG FROM ggate.exceptions; ===== Production Installation ===== [[prod_install|Migration to another DB Instance]]\\